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AITA for not taking my wife's miscarriage seriously?

AITA for not taking my wife's miscarriage seriously?

I went to look at his comments like you suggested, anticipating some truly horrible and likely misogynistic comments based on your descriptions. Heck, I was relishing the opportunity to copy-paste

But that isn’t what I found. His comments aren’t much softer than his post, but they are hardly the words of a “skinwalker” as you put it.

OOP says he thoroughly apologized to his wife, who throughout the comments I read he only says positive things about. When he notes she is angry he doesn’t insult her or rant about why she is wrong to be angry. English is his third language and I also get a bit of an autism spectrum vibe over that of “I’m just a super logical dick with no emotions.” He clearly does care, he just processed the info wrong initially and wasn’t sure how to fix it.

If I’ve missed something, please correct me. I write all of this as someone who literally just wrote a comment blasting the way he dismissed his wife’s news as irrelevant. That was wrong. But I think he now understands why and has made it up to his wife.

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