Thought ADHD, Psych says BP2

Yes! I just recently posted the same thing, I was scrolling and thought I was seeing my own post again... I have a family history of bipolar disorder, so BP2 diagnosis I recieved. I could never understand or relate to my diagnosis. In reality, I think I have MDD exasterbated by ADHD. The best thing I can say is to advocate for yourself! I've been speaking to my therapist and she finally told me, I don't think your diagnosis is right and you seem to check off every box for ADD and insisted talking to my psychiatrist. The current struggle is getting my psychiatrist to take it seriously.. the biggest problem is having that misdiagnosis because the medications are entirely different. Especially since they fear of inducing mania with stimulants, so we get stuck. It's making me so disheartened to realize I'm on medication, even antipsychotics, that have done merely nothing besides negative side effects.

/r/bipolar2 Thread