With all the recent television news, I feel like Marvel's trying to transition cable shows from ABC to Freeform.

CW and ABC aren't really comparable. IMO it comes down to those shows just not performing like network juggernauts. They have somewhat similar numbers to the CW (ABC) but if you compare them to other network shows, they weren't so hot.

Just looking at Castle, shit used to hit like 12 mill per episode. Now it's all the way down to a measly 6 mill which is still twice as much as AoS.

Bottom line, these shows aren't bringing in the numbers that a big network would want. That's why AC was cancelled. That's why AoS is being moved again. And that's perhaps why they passed on the spinoff.

I know numbers are down across the board generally speaking but all that's doing is lowering the bar for expectations of these kinds of shows. And even with a lower bar, AoS and co. are clearly not being seen as worth the money or prime slots.

In a perfect world all our favourite shows are on the good networks. The HBO's, the Netflix's, etc. but yeah. It's never that simple.

And are you sure you want what the CW has? Because Arrow was pretty good in season 1/2 but it's been absolutely awful ever since. Supergirl was never that good, The flash has been very, very hit or miss (but the best they've had for sure) and legend of tomorrow sucks more often than not. It's really fun to watch it and some of my favourite DCTV universe characters landed there but so did some of the worst.

If they go to a cheesier network, who is to say the tone of the shows won't become incredibly annoying to the core fans? The arrow fandom has all but devoured itself and most people watch it out of loyalty to the universe as a whole or because they want to torture themselves/have ammo for internet arguments

/r/marvelstudios Thread