WoD Raiders, Please Grow Up

I want to also put forth that being exceptionally bad or exceptionally "helpful" is also really bad. I had the worst raid experience ever in my 3rd run of WoD earlier. We had 1 player who kept trying to explain everything exclusively, even commanding other people to not talk. Except, it was very apparent that this guy didn't actually know all the mechanics AND he was SUPER bad at explaining. He didn't point out any of the OHKO mechanics (pointer on Anga, non-mini eaten on cerberus, etc.) and blatantly lied about other mechanics. He claimed the silence on Hydra was unavoidable. (luckily our group managed to avoid it nearly every time anyways) And for cerb he was commanding certain people in each group to be eaten, but never explained to anyone how to get small and then how to get eaten, instead saying "just get eaten" and such. And he himself was dying the most because he felt obligated to spam /a with chat during battles--he did nearly 0 dps and 0 healing as a whm.

When the alliance finally had enough of our wiping at everything (even trash) they tried to usurp him and say hey, it is more reliable to do x instead of y, but he wouldn't have any of it. Belittled everyone else saying he had done it before therefore he was right, even though some of us had done it more than he had. The one section we did best on, atomos, we started when he was afk and before he could "explain" anything.

After wiping on cloud over and over, he again was spouting terrible strategies whilst AFKing for the majority of fights, even getting locked out of some. People's gear started to break but these people refused to leave and refused to vote abandon, chastising the people who wanted to just call it a day as each subsequent run just became harder as less and less people and functioning gear.

So yeah, don't be that guy, and don't be the people who refuse to leave even if all of your gear breaks. If you want to guide people through new content, be clear and concise and DO NOT micromanage individual players. Luckily I already had two good runs of WoD so it didn't bother me that much, but if anyone thought that was the standard for first day of content.. I would pity them. My first blind run of WoD only wiped twice, and my 2nd run soon after was pretty much the same.

/r/ffxiv Thread