working on my vest & vibing with handmade (by me) skull and ethically sourced tooth earrings! also big star = cool as shit bc i think its punk as fuck to be openly jewish. the ultimate "fuck nazis"

Your username absolutely proved my point. Nobody who describe themselves in a username as a punk is an actual Punk. That's like being 13 and wearing black lipstick and talking about how God's you are. Nobody who's actually got sits around talking about how gas they are. That's you. Punk rock is that a fake it till you make it kind of situation. You're either on board or you're not. And if this gorgeous woman wants to be punk rock and true to herself and what she believes is right for her even if it's just for right now, and she's proudly carrying that message with her then she is definitely more punk rock than you. All you're doing is being hateful and bastardizing what it means and trying to ruin it for the rest of us. You think your punk rock? Then put your money where your fat f****** mouth is

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