Would you ever meet someone irl from these forums?

One of them thinks he’s a trucel and isn’t. The other one was an incel until recently and ascended (at age 31), I think he has always held on to some bluepill hope though.

Guy #1 - guy I know irl that used to go on r/braincels frequently. Not sure what he’s up to these days. It’s evident that he thinks he’s a trucel by the way he talks, but he isn’t. The funny thing is he unironically needs to take the “just shower” and “go to the gym” memes seriously. He smells like a hot dumpster, has the soft physique of the Pillsbury dough boy, and is horribly socially awkward. There’s no physical features though that really make him a trucel other than himself (he’s white and average height. No deformities, just no Chad features).

Guy #2 - a good friend of mine. White, but skinnyfat and short (5’3”). I know he’s paid for hookers in Vegas before, and he just recently got laid for real. He’s 31. I’ve heard him refer to himself as an incel only once irl and while I know he lurks here he doesn’t use the lingo in actual conversation. Socially he’s funny and can hold a conversation with anyone. He’s always been self-conscious about his height though and he told me himself he refused to try with women because he knew his chance of success was low. It seems like things are working out now for him, the girl he’s with is a normie girl, I’d rate her a 6/10.

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