WP/CP Adagio and Ringo

Ringo is primarily WP because combined with Twirling Silver you can pump out tons of shots and just destroy. I 5-shot a tank Krul the other day late-game. It was freakin hilarious. Here's some tips: Most people run stacked Tyrant's. 3 Tyrant's Monocles=+150 WP, 90% crit chance and 90% crit damage increase. That's significant. I personally don't run that because I feel like I can't stutter-step efficiently with it. This is what I run: * Sorrowblade first. Early game Ringo is super squishy as you've seen. What a Heavy Steel, Six Sins will do is give you a HUGE basic damage advantage, combine that with Twirling Silver and you can outshoot anyone. Getting a Tyrant's first leaves that up to chance. With a Sorrowblade you know you're getting +150 WP off the bat. * Tornado Trigger or Breaking Point. Again I play these over a Tyrant's because I feel like early game to mid-game the Tyrant's Potential isn't that good. Tornado Trigger will speed up minion last-hitting and give you the 20% crit chance and damage, plus 75% attack speed. I got BP if they have armor and are a sustained fight team rather than a burst damage team * Sorrowblade #2. I get a second one because +300 WP is a lot of damage to be hitting EVERY SINGLE SHOT during Twirling Silver. Again it's not as burst based as a Tyrant's stacker, but it's consistent and constant damage over time. * Tyrant's. I get 2 late-game if I don't need another defensive item. That's because at this point my SB's are good, but they don't have quite the finishing power. The thing with Tyrant's is your crit damage is based off of your WP. It does more Weapon Damage every crit right? So with 2 SB's you now have sufficient WP to make those crits do over 500-600 every hit. Seriously I killed a Krul who had a Crucible, Aegis and Fountain of Renewal in 5 shots. It was amazing. * I always get boots, so get them somewhere between SB 1 and Tornado Trigger/BP. If I'm getting attacked a lot I will also build a FoR, Aegis or Crucible instead of my last Tyrant's. Up to you Surprise Birthday will run Breaking Point and dominate. He just makes sure to hit someone every second in a team fight. Once those stacks build into double-digits you can take down the whole team by yourself. I run it now and it's ridiculous.

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