Unpopular Opinion for NA Esports

i was wondering what your elo was but you're vg. usually people who post here about competitive are like t4.

i don't think ranked games help with competitive. i think the fact that most NA players don't play often due to competitive vainglory dying is what lead to a bad performance. most competitive practice comes from scrims anyways.

and this post wouldn't have been made if they won. you wouldn't say "i think vainglory pros won because the NA solo queue enviroment is great !!" because ranked matches really don't correlate with competitive in 5s. not playing at all will ruin competitive play, but playing ranked games 24/7 doesn't drastically increase your team's performance. NA teams used to scrim a lot more, and play as a full 5 man/ 3 man a lot more, that doesn't happen nearly at all sense the decline in comeptitive activity.

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