WYR never dream again, or have a 1 in 10,000 chance that any given dream will last for a year?

1 in 10,000 odds on a given night means 50% odds that at least one year-long dream will have happened in 6,831 days, which is just shy of 19 years.

If I live 55 more years, which is likely, I would expect to experience 2 of these year-long dreams before I die. There is a 13.5% chance that I experience none before I die.

Odds are pretty good I could learn to lucid dream before my first year-long experience, but what would recovering from a year long lucid dream be like? Is it just like a normal night of dreaming where I forget about it within 10 minutes of waking? Do I remember the whole thing like I remember the last year of my life?

This is a really tough one for me. A year long lucid dream could be amazing and have a great impact on the rest of my life, or the entire experience could destroy me as a person. Given the semi-existential threat, I would probably take no dreaming every again.


On a side note, Philip K. Dick wrote a short story kind of similar to this where a man in stasis for an interstellar trip somehow wakes up and the ship's computer tries to construct realities to entertain his brain for decades on end. The man comes out of it unable to accept that the real world is real, just thinking it's another imperfect simulation.

/r/WouldYouRather Thread