Just wondering, Is the HRT that FTM's take the same as steroids, like the ones the 'big strong people' in the gyms take or is it different? What about MTF's 'E' it it the female equivalent or is it similar to the steroid kinda thing? Thanks in advance.

They are definitely not the same thing. Please see my comment below. And it would only be worth something in a gym to a total fool. A cis male taking what you're taking would greatly increase his risk of having the T convert to estrogen since his body already is making it and since your T is bio-identical to his. His body would assume he made too much and then via a negative feedback loop slowly shutdown his testes. If it was pure testosterone, without the enanthate, maybe you could sell it in the gym, but overall the modern anabolics are more powerful than pure testosterone.

As a trans man you want balance between androgenic (masculizing effects) and anabolic (muscle gain.) A bodybuilder doesn't necessarily want more androgenic effects. They only want the anabolic effects. Your pro-hormone form of T is optimized for balance of the two so that your "gains" are similar to a cis male puberty. More info

What bodybuilders want is anabolics. They are fast acting and optimized for muscle gain. The gains on your T for a cis male would be trivial compared to something like trenbolone. There's no reason a season bodybuilder with a brain would take what you're taking.

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