Press a button for a million dollars that randomly kills someone in your family or kill someone random for £250,000

I defended myself then you insulted me more, so I defend myself again, what’s so hard to under stand about that? You even did it after I explained why I’m still commenting right now.

Like I said multiple times, my comment was barely noticeable so ignore it, I didn’t mean to do anything wrong. I just wanted to put my opinion across, if you don’t like it, ignore it, I’ll stop commenting if you do? Sound fair? Now I’m sorry for wasting your time, if your sorry for insulting me, thanks. If not, not my problem.

And so you know I am a teen, and with what I’ve seen here, like overreacting over small things, I’m pretty disappointed in how you acted, but hey.. who cares, right?

We done now? I’ll go if you do. Sound fair?

/r/WouldYouRather Thread Parent