Y'all got anymore of them PvP events?

Frankly, I can't take anyone who acts like their opinion is the only one that matters and everyone else's is dismissive serious.

Based on your own dismissiveness, this can only mean you cannot take your own opinions seriously then, if you are being honest.

So, you can make all the rambling, oddly jumbled posts you want, in the end the more you express yourself the easier it becomes to distinguish you as a toxic person. By your own instruction I guess we should then isolate you without paying much attention. Simple logic?

But oh, wait... if we'd love these very numerous and very likely paying toxic people away like yourself away from this game then we are by all means not any better than them. Whoops, you are a hypocrite now.

This is the kind of mire you end up in when trying to defend the indefensible friend-o. The better course would be to acknowledge that toxic players are not a positive influence, stop attempting to defend their bad behavior, and start seeking to be less toxic yourself, because in my opinion the only reason you would rally to their cause is if you felt those toxic elements were your peers.

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