Is Yang, in general, able to persuade the top candidates' followings?

I"m a Warren / Harris supporter who historically support establishment Dems but switched to Yang after watching his interview at the Iowa Yacht Club. This is strange for me since I am generally very much anti-populist but Yang has proven to be the one exception of this rule for me. However, I am in my 30s so statistically I fall in the category that will support Yang.

It is the older Dem voters that will be challenging to get who will tend to support the establishment candidates. The good thing is that because there are 20 Dems running, all the establishment voters will be rallying their support around the 3 Bs (Biden, Beto and Buttigieg) and Harris. So Yang's path to victory is to get a coalition of Progressives, Libertarians, Independents, Populaces, East Asians, techies and millennials to come out and vote during the primary. Historically this would be tough to pull off but looking at what happened with Trump and the the grassroots energy that Yang has, anything is possible.

/r/YangForPresidentHQ Thread