Yone is sitting at an all time low winrate of 44.49% across all ranks according to current op.gg data

You don't know how to build him either I guess because Shieldbow is one of the single biggest spikes in the game for the average time it's completed. Shieldbow upon completion especially if snowballing is LITERALLY broken on Yone it gives you AD, Crit, Att speed, Big shield and tops off lifesteal with a WHOPPING 27% lifesteal total for the next 9 seconds with conq on top putting it at 36% lifesteal giving Yone every single one of his most valuable duelling stats for 3.4k being able to rush guinsoos after for a steady transition throughout the game.

Shieldbow also has an Amazing build path for Yone covering pretty much any lanes requirements.

/r/YoneMains Thread Parent