Young Kratos( Greece era) vs Old Kratos( Norse era) who would win? Please read my comment In the post for further context

Just wanted to let everybody including the mods know that this rat blocked me after I demolished his arguments by posting this single quote of an Older Kratos defeating a younger and stronger version of himself via outskilling him.

The wall of the temple suddenly shimmered, rippling as if it was no longer wholly a material thing, and out through that shimmer stepped … Kratos. His younger self, the Kratos of a decade past, came striding into the temple to slay everything that moved.

HE PUT HIMSELF between his family and his younger self. His younger self came at him with the efficient, straight-ahead style that had been his trademark. Every step was a strike. Every strike was a step. His younger self was faster and stronger than Kratos was now—but strength and speed were never the only elements of victory. The air sizzled with the song of the Blades of Chaos. As they flashed around him, opening small cuts across his body, Kratos discovered he didn’t like being on this side of the blades. The next time Young Kratos hurled a blade outward to whip through the air, Old Kratos stepped inside the strike and caught the blade by the chain. Its heat seared his hands, but he didn’t care. He was used to pain. To win back his family, he could endure anything. He grabbed the blade’s haft and yanked with all his might. His strength threw Young Kratos into the air, but his younger self was fully as agile as he’d ever been. Instead of tumbling helplessly, Young Kratos turned his flight into a pounce, the other blade raised for the kill. Old Kratos guessed it must have come as a considerable shock to Young Kratos when his weapon arm was severed at the elbow, so that his hand, blade, and chain all fell harmlessly to the floor. Old Kratos mercifully spared him any additional shocks by slicing his skull into two pieces. “Are you watching, Ares? You took them once. I will never lose them again!”

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