Your Year in Review....

Actually, I am going to post least so far

What went well? My relationship with my still JW family. i keep daily text and weekly video contact with my still in family. I love them and they love me. It is good for us both to still remember this

What didn’t go well? My career - I'm stagnating. There is shit going down, but I am on a visa in the US and have little choice but to shut up or ship out.

What am I most grateful for?

hands down /u/pandabear1516. Every fucking day...actually every minute/hour of every day - i can't believe how lucky I am to be married to such a strong woman, who manages to make every day a pleasure - even if she needs that last cup of tea in the evening.

What challenge am I proudest of overcoming?

Am starting be more "exjw" with my family. We're faded but I've worked on them to know that we aren't "discouraged" and that our exjwness goes deeper.

What do I regret most?

A semi drunken conversation. I wince even thinking about it but recover knowing i'm forgiven and that life moves on

What did I enjoy most?

Fulfilling am ambition of a trip to Argentina that we spoke about doing often, but until this year could ill afford. When we went, it fulfilled everything I hoped it would....and more. It made me completely rediscover my joie de vivre.

What are the key lessons I learned about life?

It moves fast and it is short, we have to check ourselves and enjoy it.

What are the key lessons I learned about myself?

I need to love life on our beautiful planet a little bit more. Careers and money are important, but life and love are way more important.

If this coming year was my last on Earth, what would I want to stop doing the most? Why?

Caring too much about my job. No one else seems to....why should I?

If this coming year was my last on Earth, what would I want to do the most? Why?

Sit back, look back at the life I've led so far and be happy - it's been a charmed life, and to make sure that the next year was the same.

/r/exjw Thread