You Do Know You're Not The Only SD On The Site.... Right?

Couple of things SB's will have to get used to. One. Money is being exchanged for companionship so call it what you like, but its a transaction for something. Next, there arent many men in the world able to afford the quality of that something, sugaring promises so as an SB, you need to be business smarts. If youre on SA looking for matchdotcom romance, thats like a high end movie star looking for a job with a porn movie maker. Wrong place and a high risk you will get taken to the cleaners. If youre on SA for pin money or just a fun but subsidised time, fair enough. I often come across older women, still penniless, but who have played with rich men. Then....really successful guys and I mean confident successful guys dont use SA to find love. By defininition, they will be there for a fun experience. Some may want to serialise the experience and others may be looking for long term playmates. Again, as an SB, it is up to you to do your homework and find your market and negotiate the best deal youre after. Sugar dating is business and with so many playing in the bowl, it is up to both sides of a genuine equation to do their homework instead of come on here and try to filter the bowl here. Thats impossible in a world of 6 billion potential players.

/r/sugarlifestyleforum Thread