So You've Been Publicly Shamed [TW:Severe Dehumanization]

Jesus. This is fuckin' brutal. There's so many things in this that just make me go "Are you fuckin' kidding me?!". I can say, without a doubt, that I could easily be in Hank's position, accidentally, and I would be far, far, FAR less gracious. That is... infuriating.

“Not too bad,” she said. She thought more and shook her head decisively. “He’s a white male. I’m a black Jewish female.

So that makes it ok. Please, tell me again how X group is privileged, when you clearly hold enough power to harm harm them them in non-violent ways and aren't part of X group. This race and gender justification nonsense has got to go.

If I had two kids, I wouldn’t tell ‘jokes’

I don't even know what to properly express how fucking bullshit that is. I don't presently have the words to describe the nonsense of that statement. Auuughhh. <redditSMASH!>

“A father of three is out of a job because a silly joke he was telling a friend was overheard by someone with more power than sense. Let’s crucify this cunt.”

Not gunna lie, I can certainly relate to the rage that are expressing, although I don't agree with the harassment that she got from it. I can sympathize, but I don't condone.

SendGrid, her employer, was told the attacks would stop if Adria was fired. Hours later, she was publicly let go.

That... is wrong... and satisfying. I mean, that's not cool, and all, but at the same time, it doesn't seem like its all that far off from the same thing she enacted on Hank, who I think was far and away more innocent than she was.

Also, heaven forbid anyone joke with a friend, about copying software that was also an innuendo. Like, really?

“I think that nobody deserves what she went through,” he replied.

Please, tell me again how terrible of a person Hank is because he's white and male and made a joke that caused offense to someone that wasn't even involved.

No one would have known he got fired until he complained. Maybe he’s to blame for complaining that he got fired.


but she held him responsible for it anyway. It was “his own actions that resulted in his own firing, yet he framed it in a way to blame me… If I had a spouse and two kids to support I certainly would not be telling ‘jokes’ like he was doing at a conference. Oh but wait, I have compassion, empathy, morals and ethics to guide my daily life choices. I often wonder how people like Hank make it through life seemingly unaware of how ‘the other’ lives in the same world he does but with countless less opportunities.”


She's the problem, and completely oblivious to it.

“I distance myself from female developers a little bit now,” he replied. “I’m not as friendly. There’s humour, but it’s very mundane. You just don’t know. I can’t afford another Donglegate.”

Yes, let us remove all humor and joy from our lives so we don't offend people on accident without intention of offense! Weee! Pass out the fuckin' Xanax!! Jesus Christ. Poor guy avoids women now because they're a potential threat. Like, what the fuck?

“Well,” Hank said. “We don’t have any female developers at the place I’m working at now. So.”

HA! Oh man, that's... probably kind of fucked up.

“They say the same thing for rape victims. If you’ve been raped you think all men are rapists.” She paused. “No. These dudes were straight up being not cool.”


Just uhg. What a fuckin' mess.

Though, I do find it sad that she hadn't been able to find a new job since then.

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