153 words Have you ever received a message from an ex of several years ago out of the blue? How did you respond? 183 words Money management and home ownership with boyfriend 205 words Have you found true love over 35? 109 words Had unnecessary surgery due to pathologist’s “faulty reasoning” when interpreting biopsy results. Has anyone had this happen and what did you do? 248 words Women who have had a baby on their own. Talk to me. 202 words I had an abortion at 19 because(a million reasons), but I wanted to better my life for if I ever chose to have kids at a different time. I bettered my life and am now 31 and still no children. 172 words How much and how many times a day do you eat? 128 words I can’t stand materialism. Am I the only one? 245 words Confused Rant-ish 137 words to people who look a lot younger than they are 189 words Have you ever started your own business or are you planning on starting one? 106 words Why does motherhood feel like a club I’m not welcomed in based on my personality? 220 words Tell me about your feelings the moment you decided you no longer needed/ wanted someone in your life 166 words Breaking down barriers - how to move friendships from professional to personal? 196 words Need advice on how I can fit in better with my boyfriend's family better 167 words Chin acne after 35 146 words My "best friend" is having a baby in 2 months and didn't tell me until yesterday when I was in the middle of something important. Am I being unreasonable? 201 words I'm a male over 30 - Do you find that the qualities look for in a potential partner have changed over the years or are they predominantly the same? 128 words A Different Type of Man (What are your thoughts or experiences?) 194 words I [39F] took a long break from dating, thinking it was going to help, it's a disaster.