154 words How did you overcome the emotional/verbal abuse caused by your father (Daddy issues) I? 542 words A woman's perspective? 133 words Would you share a bed with a guy friend you were not interested in? 121 words Previous skeptics of Self-help books - what book actually helped you? 152 words How old are you and how much do you have saved? How much debt are you in? 156 words Just turned 30, fresh out of a break-up..is the world really ending? Bc it sure feels like it! 610 words Early thirties crisis? 190 words Help feeling more hopeful about dating after 30 207 words Showing appreciation in a relationship? 295 words It's been two years since someone flirted with me: when/do you get used to that? 391 words What happens later? 187 words How did you figure out what you wanted to do as a job/career? Teenage girl asking here. 275 words Why is it "scuzzy" for a man to see escorts ? [OPEN MINDED ONLY] 361 words I'm 32, and I feel like I'm in a "successful rut." 216 words Do you harbor any anger/resentment toward your parents for things they did that greatly impacted the course of your life? How do you let it go? 185 words How do I block someone from sending me abusive private messages? 472 words What are your thoughts on transwomen competing in sport? 670 words How much of your time and mental energy goes to medical/physical care? 203 words Have you and/or anyone close to you ever lose a family member and/or a close friend as a result of a tragic accident? 447 words Quick question