317 words Is this even marriage material?! 209 words Today I found out I’m being “let go” from my job after being with the company for 3 years. 183 words What is something you´ll never forgive your parents for? 113 words For those who have been victims of violent crimes: what message do you have for advocates of defunding the police? 228 words How do you feel about men who don’t make much money and don’t seem to want to. Does it matter to you? 130 words How great would it be to have a consequence-free day where you could tell people exactly what you think — unfiltered? 133 words I feel like a dread setting in that I am getting older, there is no turning back time and it feels like time has sped up after 30 217 words Men posting to AWO30 205 words Emotional downturn since around 30? 627 words What was your "Please, just let me die." embarrassing moment? 163 words How do you handle the grief that comes with your first significant loss? 164 words Guy on dating app doesn’t want to tell me his name. I’m not sure what to make of this. 373 words If a guy lies about his height on an OLD profile, am I the only one who thinks it’s an immediate deal breaker? 158 words For women here that are single, have never been married, and never had kids... What are the thoughts, worries, and emotions you’re currently experiencing regarding your situation? 167 words Single ladies: how did you spend your weekend? 244 words For those who don’t live with their SO, how is the pandemic affecting your relationship? 212 words How to manage expectations? 142 words Swapping a full time career for a part time retail job - how should I handle a group interview? 150 words 33M, Single dad--having trouble finding a partner. 496 words I’m overthinking casual sex.