She will be tempted to believe that man has become God.
I guess he never met someone with the boldness of John Paul II.
John Paul II, General Audience, Jan. 12, 1994: “Even though St. Paul reminds us that ‘Christ being raised from the dead will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him’ (Rom. 6:9), death still continues to be a part of human existence. We are witnesses to a process of death in the Balkans, and, unfortunately, powerless witnesses at that. Christ continues to die amid the tragic events taking place in that part of the world, and that was the subject of our shared reflection. Christ continues his agony in so many of our brothers and sisters: in men, women and children, in the young and in the old, in so many Christians and Muslims, in believers and non-believers.”
If you have trouble following his train of thought, being the total pan-theist that he was and taught universal salvation.
He says that Christ cannot die again. He means to say that every-time man dies, Christ dies with him. And he stresses that, since he believes in universal salvation and is a total pantheist, this continual agony of Christ is also apparent in Muslim and non-believers.