Connected: National Black Catholic Congress unites members to evangelize

What gave you the impression these Catholics were Protestant? They spoke very highly of the Eucharist, as you pointed out. They seem quite orthodox. Cardinal Turkson spoke at their event. From what I know, he's quite orthodox.

I'm saying groups based on race tend to fluster separation, I'll agree it could be different for Catholics.

I don't believe they ever talked about parochial segregation. Still, it takes more than talk to actually undo the effects of past segregation. The fact is, due to how America was in the past (and still today, in some ways), people end up in different neighborhoods, and inherit their parent's homes or want to stay close by. In the past, this was legally enforced. Today it is not, but for the same reason Dutch is spoken in Minnesota, there are large pockets of African people in various parts of our country, and many churches to serve these pockets. Regardless, most 'black catholic churches' aren't exclusively black by any means. The one closest to us actually has a polish pastor.

Exactly, the Church has to power to fight to racism and allow more African Americans in to the so called "White churches;" many of my best Catholic friends are of a different race, they don't see the need to bring their race into everything if there's no need too.

You keep saying 'nationality' but anyone who is born in america is an American national. You mean ethnicity.

Well specifically referring to German, Scottish, etc. culture that are nationalities. America is different because we have many, although we do have some our own.

It is normal to be a person. This is the curse of 'race-blindness' in America. Race blind means treating everyone the same, it does not mean ignoring the fact that others will treat you differently based on race. Acknowledging that evil exists does not make us part of that evil. It just makes us good Catholics.

But should we not strive to treat everyone the same regardless of race? Sexual sins will always most likely happen, do we not strive to get rid of them on the individual level?

I feel the only reason you're saying this is that 'black' is in the name. We don't say 'well, the Knights of Columbus are okay as long as they don't turn themselves into a hate group to justify violence towards Native Americans'. Why does this group get this treatment?

The Knights of Columbus is not a "White" organization, when I was in for the couples of months I was, we've had many races. Therefore, they're not the same.

Why does this group get this treatment? My bet is because most are unfamiliar with it. Nevertheless, they are Catholic and seemingly orthodox.

Because they're literally stating that race has to do with their faith, I mean obviously them being Orthodox is good and I'm not undermining minority theory; but rather arguing for not basing your faith has anything to do with your race.

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