Women = More beautiful than men? (Slightly NSFW mentions)

As a straight Catholic male I see women as more attractive but as someone interested in ancient civilizations, I have some insights on the issue.

What makes someone beautiful? This is an important question. Even though I can understand that Beauty might be seen as highly subjective, I don't agree with the 'highly' part of the argument. (Though beauty is still subjective just like the rest of what I will be writing.) In my opinion some features need to be highlighted for someone to be considered beautiful by world's standarts.

We see that in animals all the time. For example with the lions and their hair, peacocks and their feathers, bees and their pretty much everything etc. Those features change with gender and for the first two species, there is almost universal agreement that their males are more beautiful. We mostly agree on those probably because we don't have sexual attractions for them so we are less biased and we juct check the features. When we attempt to do the same for humans in my opinion males are a bit ahead of the females with features like beards, body shape (It is important not to think of Victoria Secret or Calvin Klein models for this one though) or even maybe jaw lines etc. (If I remember right, Ancient Greeks saw men as more attractive for these features for example.)

/r/Catholicism Thread