163 words Revelation from the Almighty God 196 words The amount of people who know and the story of Sodom and Gomorrah by heart but know nothing about Judges 19 proves a selective focus on and hatred of LGBT people. 128 words Homosexuality Will Evoke God's Interest 154 words Raymond J. de Souza: COVID may have hastened Christianity's decline in Canada 183 words The proper distinction between atheism, atheist and Christian. 126 words I’m very confused on the complete loyalty to Israel by Christian Americans? 138 words The sabbath day 165 words How can free will exist if God has already planned your every though and action? 142 words I’m struggling with my bisexuality and I need some help 205 words Please be careful when praying for someone. Patients who know they are being prayed for have a higher rate of post-operative complications like abnormal heart rhythms because of the expectations the prayers create. (evidence linked) 671 words Matthew 1:18-25 128 words Gay and struggling 227 words Thoughts on Christians & Covid 150 words My friend transitioned to female, biblically who is it okay for them to date? 231 words American values are not automatically Christian values. 207 words Increasingly annoyed with the "trad and based" crowd 212 words Is there something you've been wanting to ask lately? 271 words I'm 16 and I was raped. Pray for me. 217 words Is there a literal (better) translation of the bible? 163 words Tom Brady has used his gift from God to an unbelievable degree.