Is there something you've been wanting to ask lately?

How can people from different generations talk about different event like they were there and yet align with commercialized text books and thier history?

Umm, because they don't... the Bible is rife with historical inaccuracy.

There was no global flood, there is zero evidence for the Exodus, there is quite a bit of evidence that the Bible plagiarized its creation myths from the Near Eastern tales like the Atra-Hasis and the Epic of Gilgamesh, Moses' birth story is plagiarized from the birth story of Sargon of Akkad.

The New Testament is also rife with errors.

Because the Bible was written by God but used the prophets to write down everything through out each generation.

Than you have a very low view God, as he apparently allowed major errors and contradictions to make it into his word.

A good example is why does most of the world use the year 2021? Because it's been 2021 years since the birth of Jesus. We don't use other forms at this moment because this was the form that marked a new generation, since Jesus came Judaism passed and the Era of Christianity came.

Just because we use a Before Christian Era and After Christian Era historical scale doesn't mean Christianity is true in any way.

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