American values are not automatically Christian values.

"threats of violence" and there it is, that is the world we live in. we can't magic guns out of existence. either the people have them and the government has them, or only the government has them. when only the government has guns, it sets up conditions for far worse evils to befall the people than the gun crimes we have now.

"the law is often only the will of a tyrant (individual or party), and it is always so when it violates the rights of an individual. Christian people believe that we get our rights from our creator, not by permission of the government, so any law that violates those rights is unjust and in American traditions, we have a duty to resist unjust laws. a moral people should not blindly accept the actions of the government else we could end up like the Nazi's "only following orders"

as to the 2nd amendment. there are very good reasons for it to be in place, god willing it will stay in place, the consequences of removing it would be massive. popular will can not override the rights of the individual, that is an American value. else we would have 3 wolves and 1 lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

disarming the people would make them powerless subjects, not free citizens that can object or consent to the action or their government.

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