128 words The co-creator of dogecoin explains why he doesn’t plan to return to crypto: It’s ‘controlled by a powerful cartel of wealthy figures’ 120 words I own a small business and just started accepting cryptocurrency. MAKING BANK!!!! 173 words Unpopular opinion: If you told your friends and family about crypto and DIDN'T stress the volatility and risk and they lost a lot of it and they get angry, it is also your fault. 141 words Daily Discussion - June 28, 2021 (GMT+0) 132 words Daily Discussion - June 22, 2021 (GMT+0) 147 words Storing bitcoin in a physical safe 146 words NFTs 355 words what are your opinions on the possibility of MOASS, hyper inflation, and its effect on crypto if it comes to fruition? 216 words The basics of Nano — why it’s such an exciting crypto 187 words Hey r/Cryptocurrency OGs, help me to understand the rules of this subreddit 108 words What are some legit crypto criticisms? 122 words I cashed out of crypto for a profit 1 month ago. Where did that wealth actually come from? Have I got other peoples unrealised loss in my pocket? If so, how does that work? Please skip this post if you believe in “you only lose when you sell”. It won’t make sense and will be a waste of your time. 143 words Daily Discussion - June 1, 2021 (GMT+0) 174 words It is Completely Normal if you care about Losing your Money! 146 words Say what you want about crypto's volatility, but in today's world of inflation and poorer getting poorer, it may still be the best chance we got 148 words Daily Discussion - May 19, 2021 (GMT+0) 194 words Bitcoin mining actually uses less energy than traditional banking, new report claims 126 words New China FUD is just fake news from Reuters. A ban already existed. Chinese association is just re-iterating their stance. 139 words The Twitter conversation didn’t go so well, but this video is actually pretty encouraging. 144 words Elon Musk: Tesla stops accepting Bitcoin as payments. Looking at other Cryptocurrencies that use less energy