Unpopular opinion: If you told your friends and family about crypto and DIDN'T stress the volatility and risk and they lost a lot of it and they get angry, it is also your fault.

I was told it'd go 10x and 5x and so on. (That said, Ethereum did go 8x since I was told)

Followed up with how at the peak we'd see 3x coming soon, and that I should borrow money to get the most for my future.

Just to be laughed at after the crash when I was getting a bit upset. "You didn't think it'd top up without dropping first, did you?"

I never borrowed, nor did I go all in. Didn't want to lose everything I'd worked for to date. But I did spend more than I would have liked in retrospect.

Also said friend for sure did make it sound like we were just going up from here.

And when I said I wanted to sell at 40k because I felt it'd drop more? I was stupid for not wanting a better future.

I've learned the hard way to not get hyped up anymore. I'll survive and most likely make the money back eventually, but dang was it a rough ride.

/r/CryptoCurrency Thread