140 words Are Japanese the ultimate cucks? 137 words The EU commission has been accused of adopting “grotesque” and “fascist” rhetoric after it created a new “Commissioner for Protecting our European Way of Life” role to oversee immigration policy. 418 words Making people face the reality is key to breaking spell of progressivism, but how can you make them face it? 152 words The Gender Conflict within the Alt-Right 334 words ((())) : A Critique of Jewish Privilege 536 words (((Echoes))), Exposed: The Secret Symbol Neo-Nazis Use to Target Jews Online 618 words Dating, marriage and family advice for young reactionaries 448 words Jayman: The Problem with HBD, the Dark Enlightenment, Neoreaction, Alt-Rightism, and All That Jazz 330 words "My experience persuaded me that marriage is the only context in which sex can truly be between equals." 988 words Improving "public" debate - why is it so hard to argue with leftism? 388 words What is the DE history of the Native Americans? 320 words Huntington vs Fukuyama 372 words Right and Left fight over ways to screw you over. 611 words A Slightly More Immediate PQ 465 words Is Red Pill Fertility Negative? 342 words Hillary Clinton's Announcement Video. RIP Straight, White/Asian Men. 692 words Impeach Obama, Holder for inciting riots, violating civil rights of Darren Wilson.Justice department determines Darren Wilson was right. Apologize to Darren Wilson! 341 words Why is it called leftism if the privileged of the cathedral are a limited set? 625 words Is Race real?