Impeach Obama, Holder for inciting riots, violating civil rights of Darren Wilson.Justice department determines Darren Wilson was right. Apologize to Darren Wilson!

The only solution is to withdraw from the system as far as possible. I wish there was a way I could abstain from paying taxes to support the insanity of the cathedral. Especially since it is only getting worse and worse.

That's what effectively the sons of Roman Nobles did. They realized that since their society was so screwed up, it was pointless to dwell within urban centers.

People forget that the point of a city is to divide up capital for investments. Places like New York, Chicago, London, Singapore, and San Francisco exist because the money changes hand there. So if I'm a businessman and I want to invest in the American economy, I go to New York because all the elites are concentrated there. It's easy to discuss intimate manners, and much is accomplished.

Likewise, there are Cities which fill other concentration 'niches,' like San Fran being a hub for the Valley, Orlando as a hub for Disney, Singapore for the Strait etc etc etc.

What the late Romans, discovered, was that the Roman Elites were too decadent to invest successfully in their economy. As a result, their children bolted with their wealth and hunkered down in the country side, while the urban classes were stuck with the rot.

People also like to imagine that Barbarians = Minorities, but the Germanic (and Steppe) tribes were nothing like the Ghetto's we imagine. In fact, I would argue that Dark Age whites were more cognitively advanced then American Whites. They were extremely organizable, lacked any kind of hubris issues, and united based on good rulers rather then feelz.

What isn't being said is that the American Elite isn't actually investing in it's own nation. As a result, it makes absolutely no sense to "play by the rules" since the rich don't have any actually fucking desire to make anything (outside of shitty apps.)

I would know this because I am technically one of them.

Even worse, entrepreneurship culture is absolutely dead. People like to point to "the Western US" as an area of entrepreneurship, when even New Jersey in the 70s had a higher rate of entrepreneurship then Silicon Valley today.

This all has to do with the fact that we don't have Authority anymore, so everybody wants to play Chief, but not Chieftain. Therefore, we are all Chiefs of ourselves, thus making the entire idea of "businesses" meaningless.

Yet unlike us today, when a ancient Germanic called himself a Chief, he was expected to kill for the position. And if he could be slain on the throne, then he clearly wasn't fit for the job. In our society which preaches this bullshit "non-aggression principle," it's actually impossible to test the meddle of the chieftains. I can't assault men to prove the claim they are what they are, therefore all claims are untestable.

Effectively Libertarianism, especially Nozick, did tremendous harm to our nation.

(Think of this way; Patrick Henry was outright ousted from the 1789 Constitutional Convention by our founding fathers. Let that sink in.)

As a result, we have the situation we have in Rome. Decadent millionaires don't build anything in the economy, and there isn't any way to challenge them for that position either. The Millionaires then "sit on the capital" doing nothing with it, thus making it entirely meanlingess to participate in society.

It doesn't matter if the government were to collapse tomorrow, American Business culture doesn't actually want to "build," it just wants more profits so that it can do decadent shit. I say this as a Millennial who actually employs other Millennials.

Anyone who says they understand capitalism without understanding the Shareholder Revolution is the kind of person I want to kick the shit out of. Literally, Capitalism became something entirely new in the 80s.

If I had to say there is one cause for the decline of the US, it was when we sacrificed strength to the alter of licentiousness, especially after Libertarianism became mainstream (which it wasn't up until the 1970s.)

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