Sin could be made physically impossible without removing free will

>God could create you only, if you choose him, therefore he wouldn't need to send anyone to hell.

I see what you are saying. At least within the Catholic tradition we conclude that God’s will has an antecedent and a consequent nature. It is God’s antecedent will that all be saved. However, as a consequence of God’s gift of free will, some reject God’s antecedent will. It then becomes God’s consequent will for that soul to go to hell. God’s will is accomplished and our free will, which is revealed in Scripture, is preserved. It is God’s predestined plan for us to have free will. So his omniscience is limited by the nature of his design and desire for us to have free will. It's a matter of justice that those who do not choose him send themselves to hell while also upholding the integrity and virtue that comes with choosing to love him.

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