141 words Tesla is not acknowledging an obvious major defect, but the defect is technically “within specs”, is there anything I can do? 132 words Can a hospital deny a patient water? 203 words My uncle is going to try and steal all my grandmas money. 122 words My college Dean won't allow my friend to bring her baby to class and professors have suggested she seek legal action.. Should she? 137 words Landlord in Colorado is charging for some dumbass valet trash service no one asked for, she tacked the charge onto a new lease she is having everyone sign. I don’t want the damn trash service, is this legal to suddenly add a charge and make everyone pay? Lease violations passed out if we don’t 133 words Grounds for a restraining order during divorce? 179 words Bank accidentally issued a $1,400 check in the name of my late mother’s trust. We deposited it. They want their money back. 164 words (USA - GA) Townhome HOA took community mailbox away and we don’t know where it is 130 words Could there be any repercussions in me buying my live-in boyfriends truck that is involved in a divorce decree with his ex-wife? 145 words [GA, USA] Boss Threatened to Sue After I Tried to Quit - Never filled out 1099 stuff, no written contract? 257 words My horse is the victim of animal abuse at an equine facility that is pretending to be a legal business (but I have just learned that it is not). What are my options right now in regards to legal action? 482 words Can a 15 year old choose to stay with one parent instead of split custody? 482 words Child Support Termination Questions [Arizona] 156 words Dog bite 159 words My ex used upwards of $250 with my card for Uber unauthorized and he is on probation. I want to press charges but Uber only gave me his first name. Do I have any grounds? [FL] 122 words Tx: Pregnant Wife was in a wreck and lost her baby 145 words Would my in laws divorce cause me to lose my home? Please help. 154 words Neighbors demanding we move fence (IN) 157 words Living in an rv with kids? 127 words I just received a warrant for my arrest from "excessive speeding" from a speed camera (AZ)