693 words Copycat musicians/bands 132 words Greatest example of wasted potential in music? 175 words Is relatability killing the music industry? 280 words How accurate is it to say Black Sabbath "invented" heavy metal? 119 words What are some of the best newer albums (or songs) you've heard? 125 words What apps/websites/services are doing the coolest things to connect musicians and music lovers today? 135 words Anyone wanna add to or critique my early '90s alternative/indie rock playlist? 303 words Will Hip Hop ever outstrip rock's blend of popular and critical success? 156 words Let's talk the "rock is dead" narrative and what it really means 266 words When I was in high school I loved metal and hardcore music, but now that I'm older it seems edgy and angsty to the point of being cheesy. Those of you that like it, what is the appeal for you? 272 words What Have You Been Listening To? - March 14, 2018 264 words "Rapitty Rap" 780 words Danceable hip hop will be the next big thing. Do you agree? 137 words What is the next genre/historical period in music that's going to come back in a big way? 145 words What is the next genre/historical period in music that's going to come back in a big way? 248 words What 21st century album would you rate 10/10? 258 words After going to r/metal and r/punk, what genre is metalcore? 216 words What does psychedelia mean to you? 446 words How do 'scenes' or 'subcultures' develop? What makes them flourish? 323 words Was OutKast the best at hip-hop?