170 words Has everyone's internet been terrible since the "feds" got here? 204 words Videos Show How Federal Officers Escalated Violence in Portland 120 words Portland protester describes beating by federal officers 133 words Can someone explain how what the Feds are doing is illegal or way out of line? 177 words Legislators could return to Salem in August to tackle Oregon's budget, which is expected to take in nearly $2.7 billion less than forecast due to the pandemic. 202 words r/Portland is an echo chamber 109 words Portland city council passes budget; PPB cut by 15 million 217 words Portland Protesters Topple Thomas Jefferson Statue at Jefferson High School 145 words Hardesty: “What happened last night had nothing to do with black America” 171 words To the person complaining about having to wear a mask while shopping at Whole Foods...I’m just going to leave this right here... 144 words Help Nong's out! 122 words Did I miss the memo that Jesus’s rebirth-day makes us immune to the virus for one day? 127 words World Health Organization "Covid-19 is not airborne - droplets spread via surface contact not air" 165 words How are you guys spending your quarantine time? 211 words Mt Hood Theater - Drive-Up Popcorn Sales Today! 146 words Stop coming to the coast. Stay home just making things worse. 142 words STAY THE FUCK HOME 153 words Portland School District Says Asian Students Were Racially “Targeted” Amid Coronavirus Scare 126 words Inexpensive Dental Care 159 words Portland Public Schools’ graduation rates improve but drop at schools with high leadership churn