284 words Sorry I stopped your fancy off the wall air dribble but I won't just let you fly in over my head just because it's casual mode 191 words Team Building + Friend Finder Friday ☺ (2016.10.14) 239 words How daily quest objectives CAN work, in line with Psyonix's stance... 294 words 12 Steps To Success - A Winners Guide (No Noobs Please). 197 words Klassux crate farming in Rumble as "AFK" 191 words Psyonix, please make Saltie say toxic things in game. 366 words [PSA] Stop sending a quick chat for kickoffs when you aren't even in a position to go for it. 233 words Keys and crate openings that involve any aspect of chance likely to be made ILLEGAL in Australia. This means your new unreleased system Rocket League. 236 words [Discussion] Do you feel the ranking system is working well ? 187 words What's a good camera angle for aerials? 217 words Every time rookies hit the ball for no reason 251 words "When on a winstreak you will face tougher opponents in competitive now" 306 words Enter and vote to choose /r/RocketLeague's Youtube/Twitch channel of the month! (June 2016) 720 words How to deal with a teammate that sucks 564 words Patch 298 words (Exact Vehicle Stats) - Turning Speed and Hit Boxes on all non-exclusive cars (Batmobile added!) 363 words (Exact Vehicle Stats) - Turning Speed and Hit Boxes on all non-exclusive cars (Batmobile added!) 404 words Our reasons for hating Wasteland are being completely misrepresented. It's preventing any constructive debate about keeping the arena in competitive (or removing it entirely). 574 words I enjoy the map wasteland, but everyone in the game thought this goal was some BS. 296 words Competitive League Play? (ESL, MLG, etc.)