Our reasons for hating Wasteland are being completely misrepresented. It's preventing any constructive debate about keeping the arena in competitive (or removing it entirely).

You're not being misrepresented, and no constructive debate is being prevented

The top comment here at the moment is exactly the misrepresentation I'm talking about. The comment is quite literally saying "nope, people don't like Wasteland because it's different". Any criticism about Wasteland as an arena turns into another debate about standard vs. non standard arenas.

I'm sorry you don't want to hear this, but you're in a small but extremely vocal minority of players who hates Wasteland. You can't sell your hate to the rest of the community.

I'm not trying to sell anything. I tried to be very clear that this is a subjective issue and simply wanted to discuss Wasteland as an arena... without arguing the standard vs. non-standard issue. I started with the misrepresentation part specifically because every discussion around Wasteland turns into a discuss about something else entirely.

As for "small but extremely vocal minority" bit. I can't prove this empirically but I've seen a lot of hate for this arena in-game. I've seen low ranked and high ranked players hate on it. I've seen pro players hate on it. You yourself said this is the "eleventy billionth" this thread has come up... clearly it isn't by the same people.

Is this thread brought up more than, say, a request to rename replays? Would you say that replay renaming is desired by a large part of the community?

The only thing this community is tolerating is whiny threads like this.

Classy :/

However, that said, so what? Why does every non-standard map have to be extremely non-standard?

No one said that at all. The point of my post is simply that a lot of players don't have fun playing Wasteland. And, hey, here are some reasons why. Oh and, hey, the majority of Wasteland haters have no problem with non-standard arenas in competitive.

Just because the differences are subjective (eg: you like the arena and I don't) doesn't mean it isn't worth discussing. And the amount of hate for Wasteland that I'm seeing isn't some tiny minority. And I'm definitely not seeing any love for Wasteland.

I don't mind playing on Wasteland. I enjoy games on Wasteland as much as any other map.

I'm sorry but then you clearly didn't read my post or, as I said in the beginning, are misrepresenting the argument. I addressed this very point in the second to last paragraph.

/r/RocketLeague Thread Parent