"When on a winstreak you will face tougher opponents in competitive now"

I'm aware that it helps players who know they should be in the pink ranks, it works out very well for players who can get a winsreak, then play against people in the higher skillgroup, still win, then get even more points for doing so. It's simple with that perspective, and so Psyonix put it in place for the players who can already rank up easily.

Meanwhile, for most players who simply want to climb out of their ranks to better their ability against opponents they don't keep repeatedly beating, they are faced with players who are better than them before they can even get to their skill group, despite there being players of the same rank readily available for a fair game. Seeing as they aren't used to players of this skill rank yet, they will face a loss most of the time. Even if it's just one loss and reduced amount of points lost, it's still a hindrance and really throws off your mood when you're doing a good job at beating people who are actually in the same skill group as you are.

It's a system that benefits pink level players who are sitting in blue and under, seeing as they can already beat the players in the higher ranks they pair them with. But for anybody else who is simply rolling their current skill group, they get paired with someone in a higher skill group who ends up wrecking them and setting them back a few points.

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