125 words r/insanepeoplefacebook: It's weird that people are anti abortion but pro gun. You are already fine with kids getting killed so why do you make them wait until they are old enough to go to school. [+550] 133 words “Donald Trump is responsible for my depression.” [sh] 144 words More stupidity on pcmasterrace "It's 100% luck. Every millionaire got lucky with timing and that's it. Nobody gets rich off of hard work or intelligence alone (except scammers)" -1 208 words "It's no longer possible to be a Republican and be a good person, too." 184 words "And this is why second amendment rights must be a leftist issue. First, it keeps it off the table for the MAGAts to fear monger over, and, second, they've shown no hesitation to take the first violent act, so we need to be able to defend ourselves, especially considering... r/Fuckthealtright 148 words "Tax them out of existence. Steal from billionaires to replace what billionaires have stolen from us. No one earns a billion dollars, they steal it." [SH] 143 words "Every Conservative alive is a goddamned traitor deserving of execution in the public square."[SH] 245 words We have lots of new members and maybe some of you haven't read the rules...because we understand many reddit on the phone and rules aren't easy to see. So... 151 words r/TwoXChromosomes: The poster describes her totally real experience of dating a hateful incel. It is all here: apparently, he was a white, Christian, anti same-sex marriage, misogynistic Trump, Kavanaugh, Gavin McInnes and Milo Yiannopoulos supporter who hated the Ghostbusters remake. 119 words Arguing with Trump supporters made the OP’s friend become an alcoholic | r/politics +759 118 words Video of Owen Shroyer being sexually assaulted at woman's march by woman who admits to it out loud "You ever watch a video and just hate everyone involved in it?" [+227] 146 words "[/u/spez] goes so far out of his way to not ban right-wing subreddits" [+99] - /r/TopMindsOfReddit 179 words "Fascism grows daily in America. The midterms may be the last chance and hardly 1/3 of young people are definitely planning to vote. Apathy is going to be the deathknell of the Republic." [+707] 222 words “I really hope our country doesn’t fail women again. What happens after [the hearing] is going to send a loud message to people of the United States. Please let us be on the right side of history.” [+139] 121 words “I really hope our country doesn’t fail women again. What happens after [the hearing] is going to send a loud message to people of the United States. Please let us be on the right side of history.” [+139] 104 words “Maybe I'll see less swastika, Trump, Putin, and Confederate flag emblems teabagging people in BFV if all the conservatives are too upset to buy it. No complaints from me.” +6 192 words "Twitter should have banned Trump a long time ago for his lies and hate speech, but they profit off his tweets and are complicit in spreading his hate. Just like this website is complicit with TD and the radicalization that takes place there. It's all about the ad revenue." 154 words "The NRA is a domestic terrorist organization." It's like these idiots aren't even trying anymore. 126 words "Goddamn that stings. He's even deporting our fucking veterans now, the draft dodging cowardly piece of shit. " [SH] - Guy doesn't realize Obama also did this. Feigned outrage as usual. 144 words "CNN chief Jeff Zucker says Fox News is propoganda machine"- r/politics