137 words I had just made an account on the 5th. luckily I didn't fund it. What a joke. Good to know Gamestop has my back and has already refunded my giftcards! Anyone else get refunded? 171 words Did someone just say cascading Marge calls... 122 words We're at this part of the movie 548 words Nothing is going to happen once DRS hits 100% 138 words I need some help with DRS from fidelity and etrade. Sorry for the inconvenience. 126 words Cage match: SEC vs. Supreme Court conservatives 185 words $GME Daily Directory | New? Start Here! | Discussion, DRS & NFT Megathreads, DD Library, and User Flairs | I CAN'T HEAR YOU! 269 words $GME Daily Directory | New? Start Here! | Discussion, DRS & NFT Megathreads, DD Library, and User Flairs | I CAN'T HEAR YOU! 101 words Fintel showing 15.81 days to cover. Probably nothing. 302 words Serious Question: If 100% of $GME Float Becomes DRS’d … What On Earth Happens Next? 130 words $GME Daily Directory | New? Start Here! | Discussion, DRS & NFT Megathreads, DD Library, and User Flairs 119 words Tired of seeing M2 going up 30% in 2 years discarded with 'tHey CHanGd HoW M1 Is CAlCuLateD' 124 words Reverse Repos Explained 130 words No, GME is not acquiring BBBY. And I believe that's a good thing. 292 words Looks like one of y’all has been cast as Pete Davidson. 115 words Why I Love the Stock but Only Like the Company 121 words going long on a short etf doesn't have infinite losses 133 words There's something going on! 130 words This comment deserves a spotlight. 109 words Facts