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2 reasons (neither of which are going to be popular here)

First is, People that could/would DRS millions or billions don't see it as necessary because they already play on the winning side of the game (traditionally). Despite what this sub says, the DD is all well known by the major players --they're the ones that own the algos and trade off of that information. This sub has....maybe 100k people that check in now and again to confirm their bias, and then they wander away again. The majority of the posts day to day are just spam at this point.

Second, it's a goddamn bonanza of money right now if you have the capital to short in a bear market. Anybody who could put millions/billions into GME is making far, far more right now letting their hedge fund custodians short the market down than it would be worth it to them by going long.

Lastly: Egos and hubris can only last so long. Somebody is going to be stuck holding the bag when the levee finally breaks. The "no cell no sell" I think only really applies in a world where the people that designed, own, and perpetuate the system face repercussions for their actions. If the entirety of human existence is any indication, they won't. If GME wipes out wall street (and it very well could) nobody is going to jail, just like last time. There's systemic issues that need fixed long before the ruling class will capitulate.

TLDR: The rich will pull a Melvin, shut down one firm if they lose, and open another one.

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