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mods r gay

my post was removed yesterday. HERE IT IS YA FUCKS

Wait so we actually never have to sell… right? GameStop can just do an ATM once share price hits phone numbers and kick it back through dividends if I’m not mistaken

I’ve been pondering this for a bit because I’m still not concrete about my exact MOASS game plan. My 99% DRS shares are never leaving because I’m way too curious about making infinity pool become a reality. I have 1% broker shares that I planned on selling during the más de todos los apretones cortos, but it kinda hit me that I never actually need to even sell right? The company can do this for us?
Why not just hold and trust RC to do an ATM at the absolute peak? This mf knows way better than I do about trading. Why sit around trying to sell at the right time? Continuing to HODL and cashing fat dividends sounds a whole lot better to me.
Im smooth but is this too smoothie?

/r/Superstonk Thread