168 words DEAR PEOPLE OF ALL, WE ARE SCREAMING AT YOU. 315 words How much time do I have left? 168 words We should stop posting Reverse Repo Numbers if this is true. Just like DRS needs relentless momentum, information on the sub should only be posted daily if it actually affects GameStop or MOASS. Wrinkles needed. 145 words Some of us elder apes saw today coming a mile away. Don't lose sight of what's important. Buy DRS HOLd 119 words #CitadelCokeBreak makes boomer investors unhappy. It would be a shame if it started trending. 380 words I’m insanely busy and have limited time to figure out this computershare stuff, is there a tutorial post or a “computershare 101” post that can walk me through all this? 179 words My greatest source of FUD is seeing horrendous math by apes on r/Superstonk 184 words Bail-In regime for Canadian Banks - Shows How Bail-In Works - Many Outstanding Questions Before We Get Clarity on this Complex Topic. 181 words Being rich is not overwhelming : it will feel good. Beware of FUD. 415 words Inexperienced ape here xx holder questions about transferring my shares to computer share 774 words Another explanation of Ryan Cohens „Can’t Stop , Won’t Stop..“- Poop tweet 133 words Day 2 of BIG NYSE order at market open 25,567 116 words I saw shills promoting stop losses on twitter this morning (twit desperately needs a down vote button). Expect fuckery 132 words $GME Daily Discussion Thread 192 words Announced US inflation, July adjusted - 5.4% 119 words Treasury to Invoke "Extraordinary Measures" as Congress misses Debt Ceiling Deadline 339 words Enjoy the peace while it last apes. The storm is coming. 125 words S&P 500 - Inclusion, The Impact of Discretionary Decision-Making By Index Committee and the Tesla Case 152 words Onwards and Upwards 352 words I have held a presentation about GameStop at my school