246 words Retired US army generals warn of insurrection or civil war in 2024 if rogue military units pledge loyalty to a 'Trumpian' loser 182 words Just because you regret Trump, it doesn't mean you're not Republican or American [OC, at least I think so] 177 words Civil Conversation with a Trump Supporter 140 words A Call to Gamers 301 words My buddy’s been an ardent trump supporter but the last few months he’s been quiet. I woke up to this tweet this morning. 169 words In liberal Washington, dating options leave conservatives with much to desire | The Japan Times 215 words [Meta] You cannot prioritize the feelings of ex-trumpers over the feelings of people whose lives have been ruined due to the vote of ex trumpers. 344 words Whirlpool Wanted Washing Machine Tariffs. It Didn’t Plan for a Trade War 141 words Don Jr’s Wife Is Leaving Him, Says She’s ‘Uncomfortable’ With The Trump Family 139 words T_D poster thinks he’s redpilling, inadvertly shares how lack of socialized healthcare affects him..... 156 words Dana Hall McCain: The Great Lie We’ve Believed 585 words Influential Donald Trump voter admits he was wrong, says everyone should give up on Trump 339 words Influential Donald Trump voter admits he was wrong, says everyone should give up on Trump 230 words Maybe you should try pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps. 297 words Trump supporter finds out t_D is the real safe space 317 words Found on r/asktrumpsupporters 510 words Found on r/asktrumpsupporters 229 words Google is a wonderful thing 377 words He didn't think Trump would be reckless 183 words Trump Supporters