Dana Hall McCain: The Great Lie We’ve Believed

Their argument is "I believe a certain religion, therefore everyone else should believe the same thing as me."

Their argument is "A conceived child is alive, and killing that child is murder". Full stop. Your continued strawmaning of the other side only serves to show how little you understand them.

The easiest way to point out how stupid your GOP brainwashing argument is, is that the vast majority of Christians worldwide, for longer than the GOP has existed, have fought against abortion, with the argument that its murder.

0 rational argument against abortions that is not based on religious ideology.

I'm not going to debate abortion with you. I'm pro-choice, but I understand and respect the REAL reasons people are against abortion because I understand them. You show absolutely no understanding of the argument against abortion, and your MURICA centric viewpoint is clouding your worldview so badly you can't even see how ignorant you're being.

/r/Trumpgret Thread Parent Link - dothaneagle.com