Found on r/asktrumpsupporters


Read any history book for precedent. Canada isn't isolationist and if Trump fucks with it, its allies will send all their military straight down our throats. Will it attack the US by itself? No. Is it likely? Mmm.. I'd say no because the internal threat is much more imminent (I only said Canada would attack if the shit over here spilled over there since 90% of you live within few miles of our border). Missiles miss, orders get confuses, one jet fighter/drone fuck up/misfire/whatever and you think your politicians are just going to go "Oh gee golly gosh darn it, there goes Vancouver, oh well, that's okay we still have 2 other cities and Ottawa."

Your reaction is valid. It's the same reaction everyone else had before their nation went to war (direct or proxy). It's the reaction of the relative peace (within our continent) and shitty education we've enjoyed. If you were born in the 30s and this were the 50s, you and the hundreds of people who upvoted you would be screaming at your PM to do something.

It's fun to circle jerk each other with words on here, but so few here are used to 140 characters and headlines, that it's like anything beyond that is either a conspiracy or lunacy.

Past 100 years were the bloodiest 100 years in the entire history of the written world and yet, your reaction is, yeah, we're doing pretty good, nothing can ever go wrong again because it's only gone wrong every single time before so everything is off the table now?

You don't think you were already attacked by the way? You had citizens denied entry because their dad was born in Iran or some shit. What do you call that, an ally telling your citizens to go fuck themselves - a friendly hug? I saw countless posts/stories about people living in Canada working in the US being denied, losing work/school/other opportunities are a result.. just the other day reddit was having a circle jerk about how a bunch of Canadians have cancelled their trips to the US.

I'm genuinely curious to know in what scenario you would think that Canada would not attack the US if provoked? You're a very powerful country with global allies that will crush the US if you roll in. You're already attacking our tourist industry, our credibility, our world image, etc. This is the 21st century, there is more than 1 way to attack (see 40 years of 20th century's cold war) but yeah, I don't get how you think you're weak.

We are now weaker than you are by all accounts. We're losing allies left and right dude. Who's going to help the US while he's in power? Shit, imagine Trump going on twitter saying Canada attacked us, help - who's gonna help? We may have the combined military budget of the next 7 countries, but of the next 100? Shit, we don't even have our own support. If you were provoked and rolled in, I imagine half the population would say thank god.

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