150 words Use to have long hair in a manbun but got most of it cut off yesterday, thoughts? 221 words [f18] Am I ugly ? 138 words Verification picture last slide. F18. On a self improvement journey after a rough year which ended in being cheated on and dropping out of college. Currently working on loosing some weight, going to see a dermatologist for my skin and growing out my hair. Any advice would be appreciated. 131 words Grew up bullied/obese and losing weight has left me pretty anxious about physical appearance. Just wondering where I stand and what I could improve on :) 881 words [M22] | 6'2" | 150 pounds | Preexisting insecurities + lack of online dating success = posting here. 130 words [meta] Why am I so fucking ugly I get dirty looks from every fucking girl I see 222 words Questionssss 218 words Tinder Classmate Blocked Me On WhatsApp After Telling Her I Saw Her On There 442 words 24 y/o. Asked my dad to cut my hair(b/c of quarantine) and it came out much shorter than I'm used to, calling attention to my receding hairline (which I'm insecure about, naturally) and my forehead (which I'm paranoid is huge. I've basically stopped trusting my self-perception). 207 words (23f) I feel like I’m scary looking and hideous sometimes especially with the flash on but other times I think I’m averagely cute. 143 words Am I as ugly as I believe myself to be? 151 words Hey folks. I‘ve been contemplating for a long time about wether or not I should make a post here. After a few beers and a long night I finally decided to do so. 147 words 80% females here are hot. 131 words 25 Y/O, brutal honesty encouraged 212 words [18]F. Posted here before but they were pretty bad pics. Rate me, let me know what I can fix, what’s good, what’s bad. Thanks! 114 words AmIugly? 23M 321 words This defeats the purpose of the subreddit 178 words F/19 been hella iffy lately about my appearance! 142 words [18f] with body dysmorphia. i don't know how i actually look, so please tell me! [also a bit of a rant] 196 words 18M - Weak chin, up-turned piggy nose, ugly tired eyes, big ugly lips, slopped forehead, gummy smile...