F/19 been hella iffy lately about my appearance!

Get rid of her as a friend please, for a start there’s nothing wrong with your eye everybody’s faces are asymmetrical to some degree making one of their eyes seem lower or higher ask any doctor or surgeon, It’s normal to have one side of your face being slightly off to the other, she sounds like a shallow manipulating, controlling beauty crazed type of person to me if this is all she can come up with to put you down, if you take a picture of her and get a ruler across her eyes or get some random pics of people or models even and put a ruler or any straight edge across from one pupil to the other, I guarantee you you will be shocked to see how normal this is I’ve done this myself as my face is way asymmetric and noticed myself without anyone even noticing my right eye is lower slightly than the left. Perfectly normal thing hun. Oh and your very attractive, so don’t listen to shallow fools.

/r/amiugly Thread