Verification picture last slide. F18. On a self improvement journey after a rough year which ended in being cheated on and dropping out of college. Currently working on loosing some weight, going to see a dermatologist for my skin and growing out my hair. Any advice would be appreciated.

Thankyou, I try to remember it's nothing at all to do with me. As is anyone who's been cheated on. Many people live a life of immediate gratification with no understanding of consequence for themselves or others. It's hard to internalise that kind of truth when you're constantly struggling with the idea you're not good enough, since it confirms that belief for you.

Right now I hope to live for myself, i came to realise everything I did was for others. I had no sense of self worth because when I loved someone I disregarded everything of myself to make it easy to be loved or wanted, but the only people who will accept that kind of love from you are people willing to gain from it.

Thankyou for your kind words. And sorry for my bad English:))

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