Am I as ugly as I believe myself to be?

Oh yeah. I was trolling that sexist misandrist and I will continue to. The world has no place for people who are essentially no better than racists. If you have a problem with that, pedo, then good on ya. It's still freaky as fuck that a twenty five year old man is replying to CHILDREN about their looks on a daily giving basis. What in the fuck is wrong with you? You have the nerve to go calling people pedofiles but here you are talking and engaging with children at 25.... You're fucked in the head bro. I'm deliberately trolling this sexist, something you seem to be oblivious to, and you you're like omg he's a creep, let me white Knight for you. But here you are telling children how hot they are... Holy fuck... Creepy fucking dude right here. Really fucking creepy actually

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